What are my birthing options on Sydney’s Northern Beaches?

So you have found out you are expecting your babe and now you may think “what’s next?”

Yes, packing the bag and buying the outfits are both important and fun but one thing we often don’t consider is, where can I give birth here on the Northern Beaches?

We are extremely blessed where we live as we have an abundance of incredible birth workers, amazing midwives in a new hospital and so many knowledgeable and passionate women working in the birth space. So you options? There are a few! Have a read below to find out.


This is the oldest known way of giving birth but has been lost on us in the last few generations as birth became a subject of medicine and money making. Here on the Northern Beaches we have incredible private midwives such as Jo Hunter (co-founder of Birth Time) and Janine O’Brien serving women in their own homes.

Birthing in the comfort in your own home surrounded only by the people you love and trust and with minimal interruptions, interventions and examinations is so beneficial for both mum and bub.

woman giving birth at home in a birth pool

Northern Beaches Hospital

I have myself given birth twice at Northern Beaches hospital, my gorgeous daughters Millie and Sally were born there. The birthing suites are absolutely beautiful and with the right education and a great birth plan it is very much possible to have the birth you wish for there. I have only met incredible midwives there who all have been so supportive of the mother’s choices and wishes.

If you decide to go public you have access to a bath if you wish to have a water birth. Please keep in mind that any changes in the baby or yourself will likely mean you will not be allowed to stay in (this happened to me as Sally’s heartrate dropped which I have now learnt does not always mean cause for alarm.)

A woman giving birth with the assistance of her friend

Other hospitals on or near the North Shore:

The Mater

North Shore Private

Hornsby Hospital

Do we have a birth centre on the Northern Beaches?

No, unfortunately at this stage the Northern Beaches do not have a birth centre available for birthing mothers.

Can I find a doula on the Northern Beaches?

Absolutely! Here are my recommendations for fantastic doulas on the beaches.

Taylor Shannon - Holding You Through

Danae - Danae Birth Doula


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