What is a doula?
When I get asked what I do for a job and I say “birth photographer and a doula”, so often people say “you’re a jeweller?”
And when I clarify, there is often no more clarity for people as doulas are still on the rise and many have not heard about us.
So what is a doula?
Simply put, we are a mothers helper. In all that we do, we do it for the mums we work with. Whether your birth team is one full of obstetricians, midwives, family support - and I focus a lot on what the dynamic looks like between everyone - I as a doula am solely there for you.
I often see mums saying they’ve got their partner so they’ll be fine. “My mums coming, so it’ll be fine”.
And hopefully that is the case. However, often it is not. If you went into labour today, would they know how to support you in a way that is helpful to you? Do they know your birth plan inside out? Do they know how to advocate for you and be your voice in a system that can be relentless?
If your answer to any of these is no, you need to consider who you have there as a support.
What can I as a doula do for you?
Emotional support throughout
From pregnancy through to postpartum, I am your emotional pillar. I will be asking questions to get an understanding of who you are as a person and I will know inside out how you want to be supported during labour & birth
Physical support
As a doula, I come with a tonne of understanding of the female body in pregnancy and labour as well as experience in ways to help you find some natural pain relief, positions to try if labour stalls, the hospital systems policies and what that means etc.
Support for your support
Having someone in your birth space who can translate the words of an obstetrician can be so useful if you have an anxious partner. When pressure is put on women in hospitals, there won’t be a lot of time for uhm’s and ah’s and you will want to be sure to have someone who can communicate your wishes and advocate for you.
As a doula, it is my job to help your support person be the best support they possibly can.
If you have been playing with the idea, I’d recommend trusting your gut and get in touch with a few local doulas for a chat.
Who am I?
I’m Michaela and I service Northern Beaches and North Shore mums in need of a doula and/or birth photographer.
I am a local mum myself, living in Cromer on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. In terms of my doula services, I work best with women who are wanting to give a natural physiological birth a go and couples who are willing to put in the work. Education is key I believe and if you’re ready to learn all about your incredible body and the magic of birth - get in contact.
Either way, I wish you the best of luck with your labour and birth.
x Michaela